
Showing posts with the label BROKEN EPISODE 7


This episode is dedicated to a special friend Miss Ozioma Anyanwu The series of event that took place from that particular Friday night till this midday of Monday was one that was going to change my life indeed. I found out that I met a lovely lady at the bar that was into me, Cynthia & I had sex and Kofo was also into me. My emotions were torn into three different dimensions, one was interested in maintaining a physical relationship with Cynthia but a part of me was aware that it wasn’t going to end well; the second dimension was interested in testing the waters with Kofo, to find out what could come out of that, it could either be a joyful relationship or a heartbreak or both. I was still unaware of what was going to happen between me and Brenda so I am to keep a lid on that for the main time. Lunch break came and everyone went to get themselves something to eat, I was really hungry but I noticed that Kofo didn’t leave her desk and it ...